Annual Doxologies

By: Dr. Ramez Mikhail

Qen P=,=c I=y=c pen=o=c. Amyn =a=l.

In Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen Alleluia.

<ere ne ten]ho `ero@ `w ;y=e=;=u e;meh `n`wou@ `etoi `mPar;enoc `ncyou niben@ ]macnou] `;mau `mP=,=c.

Hail to you we ask you, O saint full of glory, the ever-Virgin, Mother of God Mother of Christ.

+ Aniou`i `nte`proc`eu,y@ `e`pswi ha peSyri `mmenrit@ `ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol.

+ Lift our prayers, to your beloved Son, that He may forgive us our sins.

<ere ;y`etacmici nan@ `mpiOuwini `nta`vmyi@ P=,=c penNou]@ ]Par;enoc =e=;=u.

Hail to her who gave birth, to the true Light, Christ our God, the saintly Virgin.

+ Ma]ho `mP=o=c `e`hryi `ejwn@ `ntef`er ounai nem nen’u,y@ `ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol.

+ Ask the Lord on our behalf, to have mercy upon our souls, and that He may forgive us our sins.

}Par;enoc Mariam@ ];eotokoc =e=;=u@ ]`proctatyc `etenhot@ `nte `pgenoc `nte ]metrwmi.

O Virgin Mary, the holy Mother of God, the trusted advocate, of the human race.

+ Ari`precbeuin `e`hryi ejwn@ nahren P=,=c@ vy`etar`ejvof@ hopwc `ntef`er`hmot nan@ `m`p,w `ebol `nte nennobi.

+ Intercede on our behalf, before Christ to whom you gave birth, that He may grant us, the forgiveness of our sins.

<ere ne `w ]Par;enoc@ ]ourw `mmyi `n`aly;iny@ ,ere `psousou `nte pengenoc@ are`jvo nan `nEmmanouyl.

Hail to you O Virgin, the very and true queen, hail to the pride of our race, who gave birth to Emmanuel.

+ Ten]ho `arepenmeu`i@ `w ]`proctatyc `etenhot@ nahren pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ `ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol.

+ We ask you to remember us, O our trusted advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.

(For Saint Mary)

By: Dr. Ramez Mikhail

Wounia] `n;o Mari`a@ ]cabe ouoh `ncemne@ ]mah`cnou] `n`ckyny@ pi`Aho `m`Pneumatikon.

Blessed are you O Mary, the prudent and the chaste, the second tabernacle, the treasure of the Spirit.

+ }[rompsal `nka;aroc@ ;yetacmou] qen penkahi@ ouoh acviri nan `ebol@`noukarpoc `nte pi`Pneuma.

+ The pure turtle-dove, that declared in our land, and brought unto us, the Fruit of the Spirit.

Pi`Pneuma `mparaklyton@ vy`etaf`i ejen peSyri@ hijen nimwou `nte piIordanyc@ kata `ptupoc `nNw`e.

The Spirit of comfort, that came upon your Son, in the waters of the Jordan, as in the type of Noah.

+ }[rompi gar ete `mmau@ `n;oc achisennoufi nan@ `n]hiryny `nte V]@ ;yetacswpi sa nirwmi.

+ For that dove, has declared unto us, the peace of God, toward mankind.

`N;o hwi `w tenhelpic@ ][rom`psal `nno`yte@ are`ini `mpinai nan@ arefai qarof qen teneji.

Likewise you O our hope, the rational turtle-dove, have brought mercy unto us, and carried Him in your womb.

+ Ete vai pe I=y=c@ pimici `ebolqen `Viwt@aumacf nan `ebol `nqy]@ afer penjenoc `nremhe.

+ Who is Jesus our Lord, the only-begotten of the Father, He was born of you unto us, and set free our race.

Vai gar marentaouof@ `ebolqen penhyt `nsorp@ menencwc on qen penkelac@ enws `ebol enjw `mmoc.

Wherefore let us declare, first with our hearts, and then with our tongues also, proclaiming and saying.

+ Je pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@ ma;ami`o nak `n`qryi `nqyten@ `nou`ervei `nte Pek`Pneuma =e=;=u@ eu]doxologi`a nak.

+ O our Lord Jesus Christ, make in us a sanctuary, for Your Holy Spirit, ever-glorifying You.

<ere ne `w }par;enoc@ ]ourw `mmyi `n`aly;iny@ ,ere `psousou `nte pengenoc@ `are`jvo nan `nEmmanouyl.

Hail to you O Virgin, the very and true queen, hail to the pride of our race, who gave birth to Emmanuel.

+ Ten]ho arepenmeui@ `w ]`procatatyc `etenhot@ nahren pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@`ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol.

+ We ask you to remember us, O our trusted advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.

(For the Angels)

By: Dr. Ramez Mikhail

Sasf (=z) `n`ar,y`aggeloc@ ce`ohi `eratou `eu`erhumnoc@ `mpe`m;o `mpiPantokratwr@ `eusemsi `mmuctyrion `ethyp.

Seven archangels, praising as they stand, before the Pantocrator, serving the hidden mystery.

+ Mi,ayl pe pihouit@ Gabriyl pe pimah `cnau@ Ravayl pe pimah somt@kata `ptupoc `n]`Triac.

+ Michael is the first, Gabriel is the second, Raphael is the third, a symbol of the Trinity.

Couriyl Cedakiyl@ Cara;iyl nem Ananiyl@ nainis] `nref`erouwini =e=;=u@ny`etwbh `mmof `e`hryi `ejen picwnt.

Suriel Sedakiel, Sarathiel and Ananiel, the luminous the great and the holy, asking Him for the creation.

+ Ni<erobim nem niCeravim@ ni`;ronoc nimet=o=c nijom@ pi`ftoou `nzwon `n`acwmatoc@ etfai qa piharma `n:eoc.

+ The Cherubim the Seraphim, the Thrones the Dominions and Powers, the four incorporeal creatures, carrying the throne of God.

Pijout `ftoou `m`precbuteroc@ qen ]`ekklycia `nte nisorp `mmici@ `euhwc `erof qen oumet`atmounk@ euws `ebol eujw `mmoc.

The twenty-four presbyters, in the Church of the firstborn, praising Him incessantly, proclaiming and saying.

+ Je `agioc `o :eoc@ ny`etswni matal`[wou@ `agioc Ic,uroc@ny`etau`enkot P=o=c ma`mton nwou.

+ Holy O God, the sick O Lord heal them, holy O Mighty, those who slept repose them.

`Agioc `A;anatoc@ `cmou `etek`klyronomia@ mare peknai nem tekhiryny@ oi `ncobt `mpeklaoc.

Holy O Immortal, bless Your inheritance, and may Your mercy and Your peace, be a fortress unto Your people.

+ Je `,ouab ouoh `,ouab@ `,ouab P=o=c cabaw;@ `tve nem `pkahi meh `ebol@ qen pek`wou nem pektaio.

+ Holy holy, holy O Lord of hosts, heaven and earth are full of, Your glory and Your honor.

Ausanjoc `mpi =a=l@ sare nan nivyou`i ouoh `mmwou@ je `agioc `amyn =a=l@ pi`wou va penNou] pe.

And when they say “Alleluia”, the heavenly follow them saying, “Holy Amen Alleluia, glory be to our God.”

+ Ari`precbeuin `e`hryi `ejwn@ ni`ctratia `n`aggelikon@ nem nitagma `n`epouranion@`ntef ,a nennobi nan ebol.

+ Intercede on our behalf, O angelic hosts, and all the heavenly multitudes, that He may forgive us our sins.

(For the apostles)

By: Dr. Ramez Mikhail

Kurioc Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ afcwtp `nnef`apoctloc@ `ete Petroc nem Andreac@ Iwannyc nem Iakwboc.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, has chosen His apostles, who are Peter and Andrew, and John and James.

+ Loipon Villippoc nem Ma;eoc@Bar;olomeoc nem :wmac@ Iakwboc `nte Alveoc@ nem Cimwn pikananeoc.

+ Philip and Matthew, Bartholomew and Thomas, James the Son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Canaanite.

:addeoc nem Mat;iac@ Pauloc nem Markoc nem Loukac@ nem `pcepi `nte nyma;ytyc@ ny`etaumosi `nca penCwtyr.

Thaddaeus and Matthias, Paul Mark and Luke, and the rest of the disciples, who followed our Savior.

+ Mat;iac vy`etafswpi@ `n`tsebiw `nIoudac@ nem `pjwk `ebol nem `pcepi@ny`etaumosi `nca Decpota.

+ Matthias was chosen, instead of Judas, and was counted with the rest, who followed the Master.

Apou`qrwou senaf `ebol@ hijen `pho `m`pkahi tyrf@ ouoh noucaji auvoh@ sa auryjc `n]oikoumeny.

Their voices went forth, onto the face of the whole earth, and their words have reached, the ends of the world.

+ Twbh `m`P=o=c `e`hryi `ejwn@ `w na=o=c `nio] `n`apoctoloc@ nem pi`sbe`cnau `mma;ytyc@ `ntef ,a nenobi nan `ebol.

+ Pray to the Lord on our behalf, my masters and fathers the Apostles, and the seventy two disciples, that He may forgive us our sins.
(For Saint Mark)

Abba Markoc pi`apoctoloc@ ouoh pi`eu`aggelictyc@ pime;re qa ni`mkauh@`nte pimonogenyc `nnou].

O Mark the Apostle, and the evangelist, the witness to the passion, of the only-begotten God.

+ Ak`i ak`er`ouwini `eron@ hiten pek`eu`aggelion@ ak`tcabon `m`Viwt nem `pSyri@ nem pi`Pneuma =e=;=u.

+ You have come and enlightened us, through your Gospel, and taught us the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Akenten `ebolqen `p,aki@ eqoun `epiOuwini `mmyi@ aktemmon `mpiwik `nte `pwnq@ etaf`i `epecyt `ebolqen `tve.

You brought us out of the darkness, into the true Light, and nourished us with the Bread of life, that came down from heaven.

+ Au[i`cmou `n`qryi `nqytk@ `nje nivuly tyrou `nte `pkahi@ ouoh nekcaji auvoh@sa auryjc `n]oikoumeny.

+ All the tribes of the earth, were blessed through you, and your words have reached, the ends of the world.

<ere nak `w pimarturoc@ ,ere pi`eu`aggelictyc@ ,ere pi`apoctloc@ abba Markoc pi;ewrimoc.

Hail to you O martyr, hail to the evangelist, hail to the Apostle, Mark the beholder of God.

+ Twbh `m`P=o=c `e`hryi `ejwn@ w pi;ewrimoc `n`eu`aggelictyc@ abba Markoc pi`apoctoloc@ `ntef ,a nennobi nan `ebol.

+ Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O beholder of God and evangelist, Saint Mark the Apostle, that He may forgive us our sins.


(For Saint George)

By: Dr. Ramez Mikhail

Sasf (=z) `nrompi afjokou `ebol@ `nje vy=e=;=u Ge`wrgioc@ `ere pi`sbe `nouro `n`anomoc@ eu]hap `erof `mmyni.

Saint George has completed, seven whole years, while he was judged daily, by seventy lawless kings.

+ `Mpou`svwnh `mpeflogicmoc@ oude pefnah] etcoutwn@ oude tefnis] `n`agapy@ `eqoun `e`pOuro P=,=c.

+ They could not change his mind, nor his upright faith, nor his great love, for Christ the King.

Naf`er’lin nem Dauid@ je aukw] `eroi `nje ni`e;noc tyrou@ alla qen `vran `nI=y=c paNou]@ ai[i `mpa[i `m`psis nemwou.

He was singing with David, saying “All the nations encircled me, but with the name of my Lord Jesus, I took revenge upon them.

+ Ounis] gar pe pektaio@ `w pa=o=c `pouro Ge`wrgioc@ `ere P=,=c rasi nemak@qen Ieroucalym `nte `tve.

+ Great is your honor, O my master prince George, for Christ rejoices with you, in the heavenly Jerusalem.

<ere nak `w pimarturoc@ ,ere piswij `ngenneoc@ ,ere pi`a;lovoroc@ pa=o=c `pouro Ge`wrgioc.

Hail to you O martyr, hail to the courageous hero, hail to the struggle-mantled, my master prince George.

+ Twbh `mP=o=c `e`hryi `ejwn@ `w pi`a;lovoroc `mmarturoc@ pa=o=c `pouro Ge`wrgioc@ `ntef ,a nennobi nan ebol.

+ Pray to the Lord on our behalf, O struggle mantled martyr, my master Prince George, that He may forgive us our sins.

(For Saint Cyril)

By: Dr. Ramez Mikhail

Saint Cyril our father and patriarch, received the grace of the priesthood, he shepherded his people in righteousness, and the church eternally.

+ Christ lifted up your right hand, and gave your the keys to His Kingdom, you are a priest forever more, according to the order of Melchizedek.

Truly you were exalted, in the midst of the Holy Synod, of the 200 bishops, in the city of Ephesus.

+ The heretics did not withstand you, Nestor fell before your word, you confessed the good confession, O pillar of divine truth.

Hail to you O patriarch, Hail to you O great teacher, the light of all Orthodox, St. Cyril the Alexandrian.

+ Pray to the Lord on our behalf, you who fought the heretics, Saint Cyril the Alexandrian, that he may forgive us our sins.


By: Dr. Ramez Mikhail

Swpi `n;o `ere comc `ejwn@ qen nima et[oci `etere,y `nqytou@ `w ten=o=c `nnyb tyren ];e`otokoc@ etoi `mPar;enoc `ncyou niben.

Be a watch over us, from the highest where you are, O Lady of us all the Mother of God, the Ever-virgin.

+ Ma]ho `mvy`etaremacf@ penCwtyr `n`aga;oc@ `ntef`wli `nnaiqici `ebolharon@`ntefcemni nan `ntefhiryny.

+ Ask of Him whom you have born, our good Savior, to take away our troubles, and grant us His peace.

<ere ne `w ]Par;enoc@ ]ourw `mmyi `n`aly;iny@ ,ere `psousou `nte pengenoc@ `are`jvo nan `nEmmanouyl.

Hail to you O Virgin, the very and true gueen, hail to the pride of our race, who gave birth to Emmanuel.

+ Ten]ho `arepenmeu`i@ `w ]`proctatyc `etenhot@ nahren pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c@`ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol.

+ We ask you to remember us, O our trusted advocate, before our Lord Jesus Christ, that He may forgive us our sins.