Annual Deacon Responses: amen-amen-amen


Amen. Amen. Amen. I believe, I believe, I believe that this is true. Amen.

Pray for every Christian in every place, those who said to us to remember them in the Church, in our supplications, prayers, and intercessions.

O God, the Merciful, remember us too, with them, in Your mercy forever, in the kingdom of the heavens.

O Jesus Christ, our King, hear us and have mercy on us. Amen. Alleluia.

Pray for the worthy partaking of the immaculate, heavenly, and holy Mysteries.

Lord have mercy.

`Amyn `amyn `amyn@ ]nah] ]nah] ]nah]@ je ;ai te qen oume;myi. `Amyn.

Twbh `ejen `,rictianoc niben et qen mai niben@ `etaujoc nan `eerpoumeui qen }ekklycia@ qen nen]ho nem nentwbh nem nen`precbia.

`W `Vnou] Pinay]@ `anon hwn nemwou `aripenmeui qen peknai sa `eneh qen `;metouro `nnivyou`i.

Iycou `<ricte Bacileu `ymwn cwtem `eron ouoh nai nan@ `amyn allylouia.

`Proceuxac;e `uper tyc axiac metaly’ewc a,rantwn ke `epouraniwn twn `agiwn Muctyriwn.

Kurie `ele`ycon.