Pray for our fathers and brethren who have fallen asleep and reposed in the faith of Christ since the beginning; our holy fathers, the archbishops, our fathers the bishops, our fathers the hegumens, our fathers the priests, our brethren the deacons, our fathers the monks, and our fathers the laymen, and for the full repose of Christians. That Christ our God may repose all their souls in the paradise of joy, and we too, accord mercy unto us, and forgive us our sins.
Twbh `ejen nenio] nem nen`cnyou `etau`enkot au`mton `mmwou qen `vnah] mP=,=c icjen `p`eneh@ nenio] `e;ouab `n`ar,y`epickopoc ke nenio] `n`epickopoc@ nenio] `nhygoumenoc ke nenio] `m`precbuteroc nem nen`cnyou `ndiakwn@ nenio] `mmona,oc@ ke nenio] `nlaikoc@ nem `ehryi ejen ]`anapaucic tyrc `nte ni`,rictianoc. Hina `nte P=,=c pennou] ]`mton `nnou’u,y tyrou qen piparadicoc `nte `pounof@ `anon de hwn `ntef`er pinai neman@ `ntef,a nennobi nan `ebol.