Ascension: Verses of Cymbals

By: Dr. Ramez Mikahil

`A Pi`,rictoc Pennou]@ twnf `ebol qen nye;mwout@ ouoh afsenaf `e`pswi `enivyou`i@ afhemci caou`inam `mPefiwt.

<ere Tef`analum’ic@ `etafsenaf `e`pswi `enivyou`i@ qen ou`wou nem outaio@ afhemci caou`inam `mPefiwt.

Afsenaf `e`pswi `e`tve@ `nte `tve ca nima `nsai@ hina `ntefouwrp nan `mPiparaklyton@ Pi`pneuma `nte ]me;myi.

I=y=c P=,=c `ncaf nem voou@ `n;of `n;of pe nem sa `eneh@ qen ouhupoctacic `nouwt@ tenouwst `mmof ten]`wou naf.

`POuro `nte ]hiryny@ moi nan `ntekhiryny@ cemni nan `ntekhiryny@ ,a nennobi nan `ebol.

Jwr `ebol `nnijaji@ `nte ]ekklycia@ `aricobt `eroc@ `nneckim sa `eneh.

Emmanouyl penNou]@ qen tenmy] ]nou@ qen `p`w`ou `nte Pefiwt@ nem pi`Pneuma =e=;=u.

`Ntef`cmou `eron tyren@ `nteftoubo `nnenhyt@ `nteftal[o `nniswni@ `nte nen`’u,y nem nencwma.

Ten`ou`wst `mmok `w P=,=c nem Pekiwt `n`aga;oc@ nem pi`Pneuma =e=;=u@ je (ak`i) akcw] `mmon. (Nai nan)

Christ our God, has risen from the dead, and ascended into the heavens, and is seated at the right hand of His Father.

Hail to His Ascension, in which He ascended into the heavens, in glory and honor, He is seated at the right hand of His Father.

He ascended into the heaven, of heavens towards the East, that He may send us the Paraclete, the Spirit of Truth.

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever, in one hypostasis, we worship and glorify Him.

O King of peace, grant us Your peace, render unto us Your peace, and forgive us our sins.

Disperse the enemies, of the Church, and fortify her, that she may not be shaken forever.

Emmanuel our God, is now in our midst, with the glory of His Father, and the Holy Spirit.

May He bless us all, and purify our hearts, and heal the sicknesses, of our souls and bodies,

We worship You O Christ, with Your good Father, and the Holy Spirit, for You have (come) and saved us. (Have mercy upon us)

Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever, in one hypostasis, we worship and glorify Him.