Good Friday-Golgotha

By: Dr. Ramez Mikhail


Golgo;a `mmethebreoc@ Pi`kranion `mmetoueinin@ pima`etauask `P[oic `nqytf@ akvwrs `nnekjij `ebol af`isi nemak `nkeconi `cnau@catekou`inam nem catekjat[y@ `n;ok ek,y qen toumy] `w Picwtyr `n`aga;oc.

Doza Patri ke `Uiw ke `Agiw `Pneumati.

Afws `ebol `nje piconi@ etcaou`i nam efjw `mmoc@ je `aripameui `w Pa[oic@ `aripameui `w Pacwtyr@ `aripameui `w Paouro@ aksan`i qen tekmetouro.

Aferou`w naf `nje `P[oic@ qen ou`cmy `mmetremraus@ je `mvoou ek `eswpi nemyi@ `n`hryi qen tametouro.

Ke nun ke `a`i ke ic touc `e`wnac twn `e`wnwn `amyn.

Au`i `nje nidikeoc@ Iwcyv nem Nikodymoc@ au[i `n`tcarz `nte Pi`,rictoc@ aut `noucojen `e`hryi `ejwf@ aukocf au,af qen ou`mhau@euhwc `erof eujw `mmoc@ je `agioc `o :eoc@ `agioc Ic,uroc@ `agioc `A;anatoc@ `o `ctaurw;ic di `ymac `ele`ycon `ymac.

Doza Patri ke `Uiw ke `Agiw `Pneumati.

Ke nun ke `a`i ke ic touc `e`wnac twn `e`wnwn `amyn.

`Anon hwn marenouwst `mmof@ enws `ebol enjw `mmoc@ je nai nan `Vnou] Pencwtyr@ vy`etauasf `ePi`ctauroc@ ek`eqomqem `m`Pcatanac@ capecyt `nnen[alauj.

Cw] `mmon ouoh nai nan.

Kurie `ele`ycon@ Kurie `ele`ycon@ Kurie eulogycon `amyn. `Cmou `eroi@ `cmou `eroi@ ic ]metanoia@ ,w nyi `ebol@ jw `mpi`cmou.

Golgotha in Hebrew, Kranion in Greek, the place where You were crucified, O Lord. You stretched out Your hands, and crucified two thieves with You; one on Your right side, the other on Your left, and You, O good Savior, in the midst.

Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

The right-hand thief cried out saying: “Remember me, O my Lord, remember me, O my Savior, remember me, O my King, when You come into Your Kingdom.”

The Lord answered him in a lowly voice saying: “This day you will be with Me in My Kingdom.”

Both now, and ever and unto the age of all ages. Amen.

The righteous Joseph and Nicodemus came took away the body of Christ, wrapped it in linen cloths with spices, and put it in a sepulcher and praised Him saying, “Holy God, holy Mighty, holy Immortal, who was crucified for us, have mercy on us.”

Glory be to the Father, to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.

Both now, and ever and unto the age of all ages. Amen.

We also worship him saying: “Have mercy on us, O God our Savior, who was crucified on the Cross, destroy Satan under our feet.

Save us and have mercy upon us.”

Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord bless amen. Bless me, bless me, behold the repentance, forgive me, say the blessing.