Midnight Praises

Hymn of the Resurrection

Arise O Children of Light (Tentheeno)

First Canticle

Second Canticle

Third Canticle


Doxology for Saint Mary

Credit: pages used in this section are from:
Midnight Praise for Sundays

Distributed By:
The Publisher
1 Canfield, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K2H5T1 Tel: (613) 596-0052 / 823-6625,
Fax: (613) 823-6635 / 225-1815
Date of Issue: Desktop Publishing: 12th Baounah 1721 AM, 19th June 2006 AD
St. Mary Coptic Orthodox Church, Ottawa – Canada

HRMots Creative Design
Tel & Fax: 819-595-4372 E-mail: [email protected]