`Etauen ni`cqai `nhirynikon@ `nte Kwctantinoc `eqoun `eRako]@ je ma`s;am `m`vro `nniervyou`i@ `a `woun `m`vro `nniekklycia.
When the letters of peace, from Constantine were brought to Alexandria saying, “Shut the doors of the temples, and open the doors of the churches.”
The bishops heard and they rejoiced, and the priests were delighted, and the seven orders of the Church, glorified the God of heaven.
Which human tongue, would be able to speak of your great joy, O faithful people, in all churches.
From the watch when they heard the letters, of King Constantine saying, “Close the doors of the temples, and open the doors of the churches,”
Close the demons’ houses, and open God’s house,” blessed are these people, who were told this commandment.
Blessed are you O Constantine, for you gave life to the faith, therefore God gave you life, in the kingdom of heaven.
Pray to the Lord on our behalf, my lord the King Constantine, and Queen Helen, that He may forgive us our sins.