By: Dr. Ramez Mikhail
Pa[oic Iycouc Pi`,rictoc@ vy`etaftwnf `ebol qen nye;mwout@ qen pi`ehoou `mmahsomt@ ek`etounocten qen tekjom.
Ni,eroubim nem Niceravim@ niaggeloc nem niar,yaggeloc@ ni`ctratia nem niexoucia@ ni`;ronoc nimet[oic nijom.
Euws `ebol eujw `mmoc@ je `,ouab ouoh `,ouab@ `,ouab `P[oic `nni`ewn@ `<rictoc `anecty ek nekrwn.
O my Lord Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead, on the third day, You shall raise us with Your power.
The Cherubim and the Seraphim, the angels and the archangels, the principalities and the authorities, the thrones and the powers.
Proclaim saying, “Holy holy, holy O Lord of the ages, Christ is risen from the dead.”