By: Dr. Ramez Mikhail
I=y=c P=,=c `Pouro `nte `p`wou@ aftwnf `ebol qen nye;mwout.
Doxa ci Kurie doxa ci.
`Cmou `eV] qen ny=e=;=u tyrou `ntaf.
+ `Cmou `erof qen pitajro `nte tefjom.
`Cmou `erof `e`hryi hijen tefmetjwri.
+ `Cmou `erof kata `p`asai `nte tefmetnis].
`Cmou `erof qen ou`cmy `ncalpiggoc.
+ `Cmou `erof qen ou’altyrion nem ouku;ara.
`Cmou `erof qen hankemkem nem han,oroc.
+ `Cmou `erof qen hankap nem ouorganon.
`Cmou `erof qen hankumbalon `enece tou`cmy.
+ `Cmou `erof qen hankumbalon `nte ou`e`slylou`i.
Nifi niben marou`cmou tyrou `e`vran `mP=o=c pennou].
+ Doxa Patri ke `Ui`w ke `agi`w `Pneumati.
Ke nun ke `a`i ke ic touc `e`wnac twn `e`wnwn `amyn.
+ Allylouia =a=l@ doxa ci o :eoc `ymwn.
Allylouia =a=l@ pi`wou va penNou] pe.
+ I=y=c P=,=c `pSyri `mV] cwtem `eron ouoh nai nan.
Glory to You O Lord, glory to You.
Praise God in all His saints.
+ Praise Him in the firmament of His power.
Praise Him for His mighty acts.
+ Praise Him according to the multitudes of His greatness.
Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet.
+ Praise Him with psaltery and harp.
Praise Him with timbrel and chorus.
+ Praise Him with strings and organs.
Praise Him with pleasant sounding cymbals.
+ Praise Him upon the cymbals of joy.
Let every thing that has breath praise the name of the Lord our God.
+ Glory be to the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and unto the age of all ages Amen.
+ Alleluia, Alleluia, glory be to our God.
Alleluia, Alleluia, glory be to our God.
+ O Jesus Christ, the Son of God, hear us and have mercy upon us.