By: Dr. Ramez Mikhail
`A P=,=c Pennou]@ twnf `ebol qen nye;mwout@ `n;of pe `t`apar,y@ `nte ny`etauenkot.
<ere Tef`analum’ic@ `etafsenaf `e`pswi `enivyou`i@ qen ou`wou nem outaio@afhemci caou`inam `mPefiwt.
Loipon au,af qen pi`mhau@ kata ni`cmy `m`provytikon@ qen pimahsomt `n`ehoou@ Pi`,rictoc `anecty ek nekrwn.
<ere ne Maria@ ][rompi e;necwc@ ;y`etacmici nan@ `m`Vnou] Pilogoc.
<ere ne Maria@ qen ou,ere efouab@ ,ere ne Maria@ `:mau `mVye;ouab.
<ere Mi,ayl@ pinis] `nar,yaggeloc@ pi`,riman `nougai@ `nte }`anactacic.
I=y=c P=,=c `ncaf nem voou@ `n;of `n;of pe nem sa `eneh@ qen ouhupoctacic `nouwt@ tenouwst `mmof ten]`wou naf.
`Pouro `nte ]hiryny …
Christ our God, has risen from the dead, He is the first-fruit, of those who departed.
Hail to His Resurrection, when He rose from the dead, that He may save us, from our sins.
Moreover He was placed in the tomb, according to the prophetic voices, on the third day, Christ rose from the dead.
Hail to you O Mary, the beautiful dove, who gave birth to, God the Word.
Hail to you O Mary, a holy hail, hail to you O Mary, the Mother of the Holy One.
Hail to Michael, the great archangel, the announcer of salvation, of the Resurrection.
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever, in one hypostasis, we worship and glorify Him.
O King of peace ….